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Introducing INDEPTH, an app designed to analyze and explore the system of thought of Ostad Elahi, a renowned contemporary thinker, jurist, and musician. With a historical, philosophical, and metaphysical perspective, this app provides an array of didactic modules and educational tools that encourage deeper reflection. Through a series of questions, case studies, and exercises, users can gain a better understanding of the multi-faceted dimensions of Ostad Elahi's written works. Please note that the content on INDEPTH is not a substitute for Ostad Elahi's published works and any discrepancies should be resolved in favor of the latter. This app does not grant academic certificates or degrees upon completion of the modules. Click here to download now!

Features of this app:

- Analysis of Ostad Elahi's system of thought: The app allows users to explore and analyze the ideas and philosophy of Ostad Elahi. It provides a historical, philosophical, and metaphysical perspective on his teachings.

- Didactic modules: The app offers a series of educational modules that provide in-depth learning on various aspects of Ostad Elahi's written works. These modules include questions, case studies, and exercises for a better understanding of his teachings.

- Educational tools: INDEPTH includes various tools to enhance the learning experience. These tools may include interactive charts, graphs, and multimedia resources that help users engage with the content in a more interactive and visual way.

- Reflection on different facets: The app encourages users to reflect and delve deeper into Ostad Elahi's teachings. It provides opportunities to explore multiple dimensions and facets of his thoughts and writings, fostering a comprehensive understanding of his system of thought.

- No substitute for published works: The app explicitly states that its contents do not replace Ostad Elahi's published works. It serves as a companion tool that supplements the learning experience but should not be considered a substitute for the actual teachings.

- No academic certificates or degrees: The app does not confer any academic qualifications or certifications. It is designed to provide knowledge and understanding rather than granting formal recognition.


INDEPTH is a comprehensive app that offers a deep dive into Ostad Elahi's system of thought. With its educational modules, didactic tools, and emphasis on reflection, the app serves as a valuable resource for anyone interested in exploring and understanding the ideas of this renowned thinker, jurist, and musician. However, it is essential to note that the app is not a substitute for Ostad Elahi's published works and does not confer any academic credentials. Overall, INDEPTH is an engaging and educational tool for individuals seeking to further their understanding of Ostad Elahi's teachings.